8 ways to make 2018 your most adventurous year yet
Cassidy Seckman

The new year is often a time for reflecting, planning and excitement. We give thought to how we spent the past 365 days and what we hope to accomplish in the coming ones. After time spent with our loved ones during the holidays, we often find ourselves thinking about what’s most important and how we want to spend our time moving forward. For myself and the Adventure Aide crew, this means maximizing time spent outdoors and making plans to take our adventures to the next level. We encourage you to do the same! If you’re not sure where to start, we brainstormed a few resolutions to guarantee an adventure-filled 2018.

1. Try a new sport or hobby.

Photo by Luke Bender

Easier said than done, I know. But there’s really nothing more rewarding than that thrill you get from trying something for the first time. Find a friend who has the right gear and get out there! I bet you they’ll be more than stoked to share their passion and knowledge with you.

2. Get educated.

Whether it’s a Wilderness First Aid course or an intro to climbing class, learning the important skills from an expert is the most efficient way to take your adventures to the next level and stay safe doing so.

3. Take a road trip instead of flying.

Sure, flying may get you there faster, but nothing beats the open road, jamming to Tom Petty, and eating gas station snacks for 8 hours. Who was it that said, “it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey”?

4. Up-cycle old gear.

Photo by REI

Make room for your shiny new toys by repurposing your old gear! Surfboards make great tables and skis can (relatively) easily be transformed into chairs, hooks, or even light fixtures. All you need is a little imagination.

5. Bike to work once a week.

It may be the middle of winter but if you live in California, it’s just barely starting to feel like fall, so no excuses. Biking to work is a great way to get your mind and body ready for a day at the office.

6. Go camping in the backcountry.

Photo by Cassidy Seckman

If you have your car camping routine dialed, it may be time to step it up a notch. Camping in the backcountry offers a whole new world of exploration and adventure by getting even deeper into the wilderness. Just don’t forget your bear bag if you’re heading to the Sierras!

7. Delete the Facebook app from your phone.

Out of sight, out of mind. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Tinder, etc. removing the app from your phone eliminates the need for constant entertainment and communication. Try it out for two weeks and see what happens!

8. Volunteer for trail building or a beach cleanup.

Photo by SLO Land Conservancy

Those trails don’t maintain themselves! Check with your local conservation group to see if there are any beach or park cleanups happening in your area. This is a great way to show some love to your favorite playgrounds.

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There’s more where that came from! Download the Adventure Aide app for access to unique adventures on the Central Coast.

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